GstarCAD > GstarCAD
Get to know GstarCAD
GstarCAD is the leading 2D/3D CAD software for industries including AEC, mechanical and manufacturing, electrical and electronics, GIS, surveying and mapping, civil engineering, etc. It also has a collaboration system that can be used, among others: for: organizing team work, exchanging and versioning drawings, verifying and managing large and complex projects

GstarCAD’s licensing policy is simple and flexible. Depending on your needs, you can purchase a license
perpetual or annual license. It is possible to freely transfer licenses between workstations. Software updates are not mandatory and you use them at the time you choose.

Dynamic blocks
Dynamic blocks streamline your work and allow you to quickly adjust objects without having to edit them
perpetual or annual license. It is possible to freely transfer licenses between workstations. Software updates are not mandatory and you use them at the time you choose.

The Collaboration module enables project teams, especially larger ones, to work together and simultaneously
drawings. This is useful in situations requiring precise coordination at every stage of the project. It is also useful in cases where large amounts of data need to be managed while maintaining confidentiality and the need for effective information exchange.
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Tools for creating/editing 2D objects
DWG/DWF file compatibility
Import of WMF, SAT, 3DS
Working on layers
Personalize the appearance/layout of the interface
Word processor
Block editor
Navigation Cube
Express Tools
Create your own print styles
Dynamic blocks
3D editing
3D surfaces
Cross-sections of 3D solids

GstarCAD for education
We support pupils, students and teachers in their pursuit of acquiring knowledge and new skills.
What will you gain by using GstarCAD?
Check out what new features you will be able to use!
The navigation tool is visible in 2D or 3D space. Enables easier switching between standard and isometric views. It consists of a cube, a compass and options that you can drag and click. Supports switching to any views, scrolling through the current one, or setting it as the main view.
The BTABLE command allows you to store different variants of a dynamic block in its property table. The table includes, among others: legacy parameters and user-defined parameters. Each row corresponds to a different variant of the dynamic block.
The VPSYNC command allows you to synchronize one or more layout viewports with the master layout, allowing you to fine-tune the location. Synchronized viewports use the magnification factor of the main viewport to separately print long drawings or fine-tune maps.
Rectangular, “Polygon”, and “Modify” options have been added to the REVCLOUD command. You can also control the number of handles displayed on a rectangular or polygonal version cloud. So you can more easily create a version cloud or redefine an existing one.
GstarCAD supports SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) files. Both in terms of export and import.
New features in the CUI command panel, “Ribbon Controls” and “Toolbar Controls”, have been added to make filtering and adding items easier.
Narzędzie nawigacyjne jest widoczne w przestrzeni 2D lub 3D. Umożliwia łatwiejsze przełączanie między widokami standardowymi i izometrycznymi. Składa się z sześcianu, kompasu i opcji, które można przeciągać i klikać. Obsługuje przełączanie do dowolnych widoków, przewijanie bieżącego lub ustawianie go jako widoku głównego.
Polecenie BTABLE przechowuje odmiany bloku dynamicznego w tabeli właściwości bloku,
która zawiera takie właściwości, jak parametry starszego typu i parametry użytkownika.
Każdy wiersz w tabeli definiuje inną odmianę
bloku dynamicznego.
Za pomocą polecenia VPSYNC można zsynchronizować jedną lub więcej rzutni układu z rzutnią układu głównego, aby dopasować dokładne lokalizacje. Zsynchronizowane rzutnie używają współczynnika powiększenia rzutni głównej do oddzielnego drukowania długich rysunków lub precyzyjnego dopasowywania map.
Opcje „Prostokątne”, „Wielokątne” i „Modyfikuj” zostały dodane do polecenia REVCLOUD. Można też kontrolować liczbę uchwytów wyświetlanych na prostokątnej lub wielokątnej chmurce wersji. Możesz więc łatwiej utworzyć chmurkę wersji lub przedefiniować istniejącą.
GstarCAD umożliwia obsługę plików formatu SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics). Zarówno w zakresie eksportu jak i importu.
Nowe funkcje w panelu poleceń CUI, czyli „Elementy kontrolne wstążki” i „Elementy kontrolne paska narzędzi” zostały dodane w celu ułatwienia filtrowania i dodawania elementów.
File comparison
The file comparison feature allows you to analyze drawings from different versions of a project to identify changes made. Modified objects are clearly color-coded, making it easier to distinguish the differences between older and newer versions of drawing files.
Graphical comparison
The graphical comparison function allows you to analyze similar-looking drawings in the same file to detect minor geometric differences. The results of this analysis are visually presented by inserting contrasting elements directly into the current drawing area, allowing for easy and precise comparison.

Switching workspaces and interface appearance
Switching workspaces and interface appearance.
The ability to quickly switch between 2D drawing and the classic interface significantly increases work efficiency. The 2D drawing interface, powered by an intuitive ribbon with tabs and panels, displays the most frequently used commands in thumbnail form, making it easy to select them quickly. In turn, the classic interface, preferred by experienced users, works on the principle of toolbars. Both interfaces offer the ability to customize the appearance of the drawing environment by applying various themes and optionally showing or hiding the menu bar, toolbars, file tabs and the status bar, which makes work even more comfortable.
3D modeling
3D modeling
3D modeling offers many advanced tools that enable effective and precise work on projects. Among the available functions it is worth mentioning:
- A rich palette of 3D Orbits options, allowing you to dynamically view the model from any perspective,
- Possibility of free surface modeling and modeling using a mesh mesh, which provides great flexibility in creating forms,
- 3D solid creation and modeling tools that enable you to construct complex three-dimensional objects,
- Automatic generation of cross-sections and profiles directly from the 3D model, which facilitates the analysis and presentation of projects,
- Using a variety of visual styles that allow for attractive and clear presentation of edges and shading in viewports.
Data exchange with EXCEL sheets
Autoxlstable provides the ability to create sheets or tables directly in Microsoft Excel, which are then automatically inserted into GstarCAD, streamlining integration and workflow. The CAD Table to Excel function enables precise export of sheets or tables, consisting of lines, splines and text or subtext, from GstarCAD to Microsoft Excel.